Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Reasons to love yoga

It was started few months back. I think it was five or six months ago when the first time I stepped into a yoga class. I wasn't there because I really want to be there. It was just my silly way to kill the time. My first yoga class was not really meaningful. So many pose that the instructor gave me ended up me sitting admiring how flexible my instructor was.  
Then the time goes by after my first class. For some reason i feel that yoga is my kind of sport. The awareness of how yoga is not for competition is even make me comfortable. it's the only sport which is not to be compared. Yoga in sanskrit means the physical, mental and spiritual practices aims to transform your body and mind. so in my definitions it's a discipline to understand you, and your body. It's about not to hurt it and not to be spoiled in in the same time. It gives me chance to challenge my self and let it go in the same time. 

Yoga is indeed for everybody, even for the big size. I was told that how come I be utterly flexible if I still have this love handle. Some other said that the big thigh that i have cant never bring me in to a perfect asana. Well they are just miss-understood the definition of Asana. Asana should be done in most convenience way. You have to "talk" to your body about which highest level can you possibly go. As it also need to be done beautifully. so as my definition of  yoga, asana should not hurts you in anyway. 

Yoga teaches me how to Breathe. It is just another reason why i love doing yoga. We have one hundreds percents chances to breath the air freely everyday but we rarely doing it in the correct way. We are mostly consume only 30-40 percents from the maximum capacity. By doing pranayama, I now know how to breath in most maximum way. it helps me to release my stress and let go the tensions. Correct pranayama will  bring more oxygen to the heart and it's good for blood pressure. 

I do yoga almost everyday now. It isnt because i have to, but it because i want to, and need to as well. I dont interpret doing yoga as a spiritual kind of thingy but it's a discipline to reach the balance of healthy body, mind and beautiful soul. 

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