Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

The Repertoire - Thomas Beijer

I have always wanted to come to a piano concert for ages. And last night it’s accomplished. Along with some friends from Couchsurfing I was succeeded to come to Erasmus Huis the Dutch Cultural Center located in South of Jakarta. 

Erasmus Huis is known as Dutch Cultural Center. It’s a place for musical programs and exhibitions. Located in the heart of the city, Erasmus Huis is also a place for Indonesian artist and performers showing their latest signature art. Most of the event in Erasmus Huis are free of charge and so was the concert last night. It’s free and no reservation needed. We just need to come 30 Minutes before the show. It was Thomas Beijer concert, a very talented pianist and composer from Holland. He opened the concert with a very beautiful Music from Franz Schubert. 

Thomas Beijer Concert @ Herasmus Huis Jakarta
Thomas was born in Netherlands and took his musical study at The Conservatory of Amsterdam. By winning the prestigious Young Pianist Foundation National Piano Competition in 2007, this tall and good looking pianist positioned him self at the peak of new generation of pianists in his country. Thomas has been doing his recital since he was ten years old.  He has been doing it in all over Europe and Asia. Thomas has a little Indonesian blood. His Grand Mother was from Bandung, West Java. It was his 3rd times in Indonesia and it always a pleasure for him to be back to his ancestor country. 

Thomas Beijer was not performs alone last night, he was accompanied by Indonesian most skillful violist, Amadeus Giovani Biga. Their Music Blows me to a fancy ambiance. I feels like being in a royals wedding dinner, only this time no food and drink is allowed, no royals and no wedding, so basically it was just about the music. music and only music... 

It was so much fun indeed. It really gives me a good experience in terms of listening to classical music which i thoughts gonna be boring

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Stu Ti Sri Lanka ( my small notes of Sri Lanka )

So i have this tickets to Maldives and fortunately it's a connecting flight from Colombo the Capital of Srilanka. I was really excited and confused in the same time. I was confused because the lack of information about Sri Lanka. It's not a common destinations for Indonesian traveler i think.

My Flight to Jakarta from Maldives was landed at Colombo International Airport in Sri Lanka at 14.45 PM and due to the information i have gathered, i need to have a transit visa. I applied the visa online so effortlessly  and i got two days transit visa which i thought is enough because i need to catch up for my flight back to Jakarta the next day, early in the morning.

Let's just say that I might not have enough chance to see Colombo, but yes i think i have made my opinion based on those little thing I've seen. Colombo is the only city where you can't take a picture with Buddha as your back ground. If you wish to take a picture with Him, make sure that you are facing Him. the locals says that you will get bad luck if you don't do so.

I have been visiting some city with Buddhist ambiance influencing the locals daily life, let's just say Macau, Hongkong and Bangkok. One thing in common between these three city is how clean they are. I don't see people throwing garbage irresponsibly all over the city. It's so amazing. It's beyond my imaginations. I was thinking that it will more like India where people throw garbage wherever they want. one thing that makes Colombo different is that here in Sri lanka Buddha can blend very nicely with the Hindus God. This picture will show you a perfect example of the harmony. 

In this picture you may see Ganesha, the God of Knowledge in Hindu's literature can be placed next to Quan Im goddess statue. Well i guess it is true that whatever your religion is, as long as you believe it and walk on it, differences are not a  big issue. 

Colombo is also known as the capital city of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka it self means a beautiful Island. Full of precious gems  and yes it's true. I went to the independence monuments and then i get stunned by how beautiful the place is. The monument stood tall and amazing. As you walk in you will find lot of Singha or Lion statue surrounding the complex. Why lion? apparently lion is Sri Lanka national symbols as Garuda in Indonesia. Then i had my self a walk a little  bit to the east where there is this old but very well maintained gold-ish building is located. The building is so European. Very nice and fancy. I thought  it was a museum, but i was wrong, it was a shopping arcade completed with pub and bar. It's a very unique way to keep the past in present..."you just have to change it and make it as a mall, then the people will always come" that's simple.

I just wish that i have more time to explore this beautiful country. Wish to be back here one day in the future.

Reasons to love yoga

It was started few months back. I think it was five or six months ago when the first time I stepped into a yoga class. I wasn't there because I really want to be there. It was just my silly way to kill the time. My first yoga class was not really meaningful. So many pose that the instructor gave me ended up me sitting admiring how flexible my instructor was.  
Then the time goes by after my first class. For some reason i feel that yoga is my kind of sport. The awareness of how yoga is not for competition is even make me comfortable. it's the only sport which is not to be compared. Yoga in sanskrit means the physical, mental and spiritual practices aims to transform your body and mind. so in my definitions it's a discipline to understand you, and your body. It's about not to hurt it and not to be spoiled in in the same time. It gives me chance to challenge my self and let it go in the same time. 

Yoga is indeed for everybody, even for the big size. I was told that how come I be utterly flexible if I still have this love handle. Some other said that the big thigh that i have cant never bring me in to a perfect asana. Well they are just miss-understood the definition of Asana. Asana should be done in most convenience way. You have to "talk" to your body about which highest level can you possibly go. As it also need to be done beautifully. so as my definition of  yoga, asana should not hurts you in anyway. 

Yoga teaches me how to Breathe. It is just another reason why i love doing yoga. We have one hundreds percents chances to breath the air freely everyday but we rarely doing it in the correct way. We are mostly consume only 30-40 percents from the maximum capacity. By doing pranayama, I now know how to breath in most maximum way. it helps me to release my stress and let go the tensions. Correct pranayama will  bring more oxygen to the heart and it's good for blood pressure. 

I do yoga almost everyday now. It isnt because i have to, but it because i want to, and need to as well. I dont interpret doing yoga as a spiritual kind of thingy but it's a discipline to reach the balance of healthy body, mind and beautiful soul. 

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

Eksekusi Mimpi, Terbang Bersama Air Asia

Saat itu kira kira delapan tahun yang lalu, saat sebagian besar teman teman seusia saya sibuk mencari uang untuk membangun impian impian mereka. Membeli rumah, membeli kendaaran bermotor atau membeli gadget tercanggih, saya justru memilih untuk menghabiskannya dengan traveling. Entahlah mungkin sebuah film the Voyagers yang pernah saya tonton di masa kecil yang menyemangati saya untuk bisa berada dipelbagai belahan dunia lain selain tanah air ku Indonesia yang ak terbantahkan keindahannya.

Beautiful Indonesia
Sebagai anak muda yang saat itu baru saja mengawali karir dengan gaji yang secukupnya (bila tidak bisa dibilang tidak mencukupi), ide traveling adalah ide yang paling liar yang pernah saya pelihara. Terlebih traveling keluar negeri. Persepsi itu perlahan memudar saat beberapa rekan sesama petualang ramai membicarakan Air Asia. Low Cost Carrier Airlines besutan Mr Tony Fernandez yang berhasil membawa saya terbang dan menjejakan kaki di negeri Singa. Layaknya saya, Singapore memang jamak menjadi destinasi uji coba anak negeri untuk traveling keluar negeri. Dengan icon Merlionnya, Singapore berhasil menjadi impian jutaan traveler pemula tanah air. Bergaya di depan Merlion atau narsis bersama tokoh tokoh lucu menggemaskan di Universal Studio adalah salah satu hal yang tak boleh dilewatkan saat berada disana. Air Asia lah yang menunaikan mimpi saya akan kecanggihan dan keteraturan negeri Sinagapura. 

Dua panda saling bertemu di Universal Studio Singapore 
Patah tumbuh hilang berganti, tunai mimpi akan satu negeri tumbuh pula mimpi mimpi lainnya. Begitulah kira kira situasi yang tepat menggambarkan passion saya akan traveling. Semangat menjejak di negeri negeri seberang seolah tak terbendung oleh kenyataan akan penghasilan bulanan saya. Siasat demi siasat pun dilakukan, mulai dengan meminjam kartu kredit tetangga, keluarga, rekan sejawat di kantor hingga pada akhirnya berkesempatan memiliki kartu hutang sendiri. Kemudahan proses pembayaran di Airasia memang merupakan salah satu keunggulan. Walau terkadang dihadapkan pada sebuah situasi menunggu di ruang antri pembayaran yang sedikit bikin gregetan, namun kursi gratis yang kerap Air Asia tawarkan membuat penantian itu seolah tak berarti. Bermodal tiket super murah yang saya dapatkan melalui promo Air Asia, saya berhasil menjelajahi beberapa 'surga' di Thailand. seingat saya, saat itu tidak lebih dari satu juta rupiah untuk penerbangan Denpasar-Phuket-Bangkok-Jakarta untuk dua orang. Murah sekali bukan?, ya sekali lagi terimakasih Air Asia, bersamamu saya kembali menunaikan mimpi yang lain. Menjelajahi  negeri gajah putih, Thailand.  Kob Kun Krab Air Asia.

sun bathing di Phi Phi Island
Singapore sudah, Thailand pun sudah, kini saatnya menjelajahi Malaysia. Negeri yang terpaut sejangkauan pandangan mata dari tanah air. Penjelajahan saya di negeri asal bendera Air Asia ini cukup sering saya lakukan, rasanya hampir semua wilayah di Malaysia sudah saya singgahi, mulai dari Kuala lumpur hingga Kedah, Malaysia. Saat itu, penerbangan yang saya pilih adalah rute Jakarta - Kuala Lumpur- Langkawi, dan kembali ke Jakarta melalui Kuala Lumpur. Benar-benar perjalanan yang membawa saya pada salah satu adegan di Film the Voyagers. Bisa jumpalitan di beberapa negara yang berbeda hanya dalam waktu satu hari. Seolah sombong tapi inilah yang terjadi, sarapan pagi di Indonesia, makan siang di Malaysia dan makan malam di Thailand.  Thailand? ya saya memang menyempatkan untuk menyebrang sesaat ke Thailand dengan menggunakan Jetty menuju Satun, perbatasan Thailand dan Malaysia. Terimakasih Air Asia akhirnya hidup bak Mr Donald Thrump atau pengusaha pengusaha kaya lainnya yang kerap sarapan, makan siang dan makan malam dalam satu hari di beberapa negara berbeda berhasil pula saya rasakan. (Padahal saya backpacker).
Sky Bridge Langkawi

Entahlah, nikmat mana lagi dari yang yang maha kuasa yang akan saya ingkari. Semua begitu Indah. Tuhan ciptakan sudut demi sudut bumi ini untuk dijelajahi dan disyukuri. Bagaikan sebuah karya seni yang maha agung saya dapat memahami perbedaan manusia disetiap destinasi yang saya jelajahi. Terlepas dari seluruh destinasi destinasi eksotik yang pernah saya kunjungi sebelumnya, pengalaman saya selama di Brunei Darusalam tidak kalah menarik. Dengan menggunakan penerbangan Jakarta - Kuala Lumpur- Bandar Seribegawan saya merasakan sendiri kemudahan proses check in dan lapor diri saat memiliki connecting flight. Hal ini pulalah yang menjadi kekuatan Air Asia lainnya. Dengan jumlah petugas darat yang memadai membuat proses perpindahan penumpang menjadi sangat efisien. Terimakasih Air Asia bersama Air Asia saya sukses mengalami sendiri denyut kehidupan negara kecil yang maha kaya Brunei Darussalam. Disini saya membuktikan sendiri bahwa kesejahteraan sebuah negara bisa merubah cara pandang manusia terhadap uang dan mengelola bisnis. Di negeri Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah inilah satu satunya tempat dimana saya mendapatkan layan antar jemput dari dan menuju ke airport tanpa perlu membayar sepeser pun, bahkan tips pun ditolak. Seolah tidak cukup sampai disini, setiap harinya hotel memberikan kesempatan berkeliling kota gratis ke beberapa destinasi wisata. Mengesankan sekali bukan, saat semua sebenarnya bisa menjadi sumber keuntungan, mereka begitu bermurah hati.

Lain Brunei Daussalam lain pula Macau, penerbangan di tahun 2013 kemarin menjadi saksi betapa rules are made to be actually implemented. Aturan dibuat memang untuk ditegakkan. Saat itu penerbangan saya adalah dari Kuala Lumpur menuju Macau, China. Seorang penumpang yang tidak membeli Hot Seat duduk di bangku yang berbayar tersebut. Seorang Pramugari kemudian menghampirinya dan menegur sang penumpang. Dengan bahasa yang sangat halus, sang pramugari meminta penumpang tersebut untuk kembali ke kursinya semula. Namun sang penumpang tak bergeming. Dengan sabarnya sang pramugari kemudian menegur kembali sampai saat dimana penumpang tersebut hanya melihat sang pramugari tanpa beranjak sedikit pun. Tak berapa lama kemudian seorang pramugara datang menghampiri dan menyampaikan aturan tersebut dalam bahasa Mandarin. Rupanya sang penumpang tidak mengerti bahasa Inggris. Kesigapan petugas kabin dalam mengatasi situasi seperti ini patut saya acungi jempol sebab menurut saya ketegasan itu harus pula dibalut dengan kearifan lokal agar dapat ditaati. Kita perlu akui bahwa memang di beberapa negara tertentu penumpangnya memiliki kebiasaan, dan pemahaman aturan yang cukup rendah. Air Asia melalui petugas kabinnya yang berasal dari berbagai negara mampu mengatasi situasi situasi sulit semacam ini. Melalui Macau kemudian saya menyebrang ke Hongkong dan tunai pulalah mimpi saya menjelajahi negeri yang paling sering saya saksikan di film film aksi khas Bruce Lee dan Jacky Chan idola saya. Narsis sebentar di Victoria Harbour sambil beryoga adalah pilhan saya sembari membunuh waktu di Hongkong. Namaste Air Asia..

Namaste Air Asia, Victoria Harbour, Hongkong

Terimakasih Air Asia, ribuan miles sudah saya jelajahi bersamamu. Puluhan jam penerbangan sudah pula saya lalui dan akan terus menemani perjalanan-perjalanan saya selanjutnya. Masih akan banyak sekali mimpi mimpi saya yang harus saya tunaikan bersamamu. Mimpi mimpi yang seolah tak berkesudahan. Berjanjilah pada saya dan kami semua untuk tidak berpaling dari konsep yang efisien sehingga tetap menjadi pilihan utama petualang petualang berkocek seadanya seperti saya. QZ dan AK adalah nomor penerbangan yang paling sering membawa saya pada pengalaman melihat hal hal baru. Menyimak kearifan lokal dan memahami perbedaan merupakan kenikmatan tersendiri selama traveling bersama Air Asia. Dengan jangkauan penerbangan dan Nasi Lemak Pak Naser beserta Roast Chicken kegemaran saya, saya yakin dunia tidak lagi sesulit sebelumnya untuk disatukan. Terimakasih Air Asia, saya yakin semua perjalanan membawa cerita, dan perjalanan bersama Air Asia benar benar menunaikan mimpi. Happy 10th Anniversary Air Asia 

Maldives, another heaven on earth

Dreams do come true, I think that is the most appropriate words to describe my latest trip. Started from my awareness of how Lebaran day off can be a very good moment to be spent in overseas, plus you don't need to take another priceless limited day off , I was then encouraged my self to pursue another dream destination. The destination that i can only seen in the karaoke room so far.
crystal clear water everywhere

Maldives, people known this beautiful country as an expensive destinations and i was a bit scared. I have booked the flight like 4 months in advance and thanks God i got a good fare. This is a Mihin Lanka airlines that flew me to Colombo and then to Maldives by Sri Lanka Air. These two affiliated airlines has very different ambiance from the other airlines i have been flew with so far. Can you imagine that they use Sari as the uniform for the stewardess?. Wow, four hours of flight with less garment around their belly? i must take many Tolak angin if i were them. But yeah knowing the local Wisdom are the best thing to have in traveling isn't it ?.

I Arrived at the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport in Maldives at  18.30 Pm and it's a bit late to go to the resort. I will have no chance to go straight to the resort that i have booked by this hour, and that's why i need to find some transit hotel nearby the airport. The most interesting fact of Maldives is that, this country is actually consists of small islands where each island has different utilities. Airport where the island is located is called Hulhumale and the Capital city of Maldives is Male, which located in another Island. Hulhumale his is indeed a transit island. When people are too late for their resort pick up service, they are mostly stay here for a night. Hulhumale is a nice city actually. I love the architecture and the color of the local house. They are moderately soft but sophisticated. Very edgy. 

Almost every house in Hulhumale is a transit Hotel, the rate is quiet nice here, you may have a clean room started from 45 US Dollar. A very relaxing neighborhood, where the local can gracefully blended with the tourist and workers. Lot of Bangladeshi migrated to this island as a worker. They work here as a store attendant or hotel clerk. If you wish to travel to the capital of Male, you need to take a bus to the sea port and cross the Island for 20-30 Minutes by ferry. 

100 Percents of the Maldivians are Muslim. The country is remind me to Brunei Darusalam where you may not find any Alcohol in the market. Almost every women in the city wear Hijab. It is interesting to know how they can keep the sacred of Islam while u are also the most favorite travel destination. 

It was 10.00 am in the morning, time for me to embark to the airport. Yes the airport in Maldives is also a minute away from the Harbor where most of the fancy resort doc their jetty for the pick up service. It was an amazing view, the water was very clear, the sky was so blue and the boat it self is so bloody fancy. Ah this was really really really like a dreams came true. Like something that i previously watch on high end society vacation TV program.  I am very sure that i haven't  had any experience like this before in my entire life. I sits for a while waiting for another guess to board. But in ten minutes there were none other quests joining the boat, and yeah i can freely like really really free enjoyed the whole boat by my own ...laying here...laying there...selfie here, selfie there. Ah...I was so bloody lucky. A guy show up with a cold refreshment towel and a glass of welcoming wine. What the F....i taught they'll not allow it, but then i know, it is okay if it's already in the resort area. The same guy came to me again and ask whether i need anything else, and then he mentioned a coconut ice cream which was happens to be their signature dish. Okay this is just too much for me, but i like it. 

I was arrived at the Kurumba Island resort around at 10.40 am. A girl from the hotel showed me around the resort and she said that my room is gonna be ready in an hour. A bit disappointing indeed because i cant wait to see my room, the beachfront deluxe room. I realized that it was not yet the time to check in. I use my one hour waiting by taking a walk to the whole area of the island, taking pictures here and there and here are some of my best Shots.

Kurumba Resort

Kurumba at night

Well basically the whole island is Wonderful. The scenery is awesome, the ambiance is cozy. The facilities are amazing. talking about facilities, this Kurumba resort has so much too offer, 24 Hour free Wifi, a bottle of complimentary fine wine, a complimentary teddy bear doll (no kidding). 24 Hour Gym, and 24 hour beach. Hell yeah i did the skinny dipping and surprisingly i was not alone. How kinky was that?. lol.  I took so much effort to grab my own snorkel equipment because I wasn't informed that there were snorkels provided for no extra charge. 

Talking about Maldives, we shortly talk about the beaches. As i said before that i got a front beach villa so i can simply go to the beach as much as i wanted. And the beach here was awesome. it was so rejuvenated. Not only that, the underwater world is also amazing. These are some photos that i took during my crazy time in the beach.

Swimming, snorkeling, doing yoga and swimming and more swimming. Ah life is good. 

Yoga? yes yoga, i have been practicing yoga for almost 6 months already and having had my self in this beautiful island really encourage me to make a short yoga portfolio. I did make some video but unfortunately i cant uploaded here but sure you can still see some of my pictures doing yoga, just check it out.

Beautiful sun sets

They said Maldives is only for the honeymooners. Some also said it is an expensive and isn't worth to pay. Some also said that Maldives is not a good place to visit when you are traveling alone. Well i did conquered all those perspective. On my defense, sometimes you have to pay whatever it takes to fulfill your dreams. Sometimes being in a paradise without anyone else there with you, is even making it way much better since basically u don't need anyone else to be happy. Happy should be something unconditional. Your happiness should be nobody's business than your self .